We are located at 152 Westside Church Rd, Killeen, TX 76549 | (254) 340 0557 | We meet at 9:30am on Sunday & 7:30pm on Wednesday

Oaks-West Gospel Meeting with Mike Walls

Our regular pulpit evangelist, Mike Walls, held a gospel meeting at our sister congregation in Burnet, TX, the Oaks-West church of Christ. Here are those lessons:

Lesson 1: Cultivating a Heart of Receptiveness

Lesson 2: Adopting a Lifestyle of Servanthood

Lesson 3: Committing to the Good Fight

Lesson 4: Choosing Faith in the Midst of Suffering

Lesson 5: Applying the Nuts & Bolts of Christianity

Lesson 6: Beauty in a Broken World

Click here to view on YouTube

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